


Awareni by Lennée Reid © 2023
ISBN-13: 978-1-944234-53-9
Trade Paperback | 6" x 9" | 50 pages


The poems in this collection are imbued with an energy and awareness of the divinity found in all of us. Reid’s poems leap off the page and demand to be sung, to be shouted into the void, in order to dispel those forces gathered all around us that fill our hearts with hate, bigotry, and misogyny. These poems are an invocation, a spell, a talisman.

Awareni [ə·wer·en·ῑ] noun

1. Syncretic consciousness; universal spiritual and psychological theory; multi-dimensional code switching.
2. The condition or states of having multiple simultaneous working awarenesses in different functional dimensions and cultures such as: third eye, astral, dream svtate, empathic, synesthesia, shamanic realm walking, clear sensing, divination, and operating more than one simultaneously.

3. The act of consciously, purposely moving between different waking mental states and perspectives of awareness at will.


Lennée Reid is a Creole author, multimedia artist, performance poet, activist, healer, and community organizer based in Olympia, Washington. She has opened for Pussy Riot, been featured in Northwest Poetry Forum, and was included in “Arising,” an installation by Yoko Ono. Awareni is her third book of poetry, and the first published by Last Word Press.